8 Daily Struggles of Being a Sarcastic Woman!

Other में 6 वर्षों पूर्व पोस्ट किया गया।

Sometimes being a sarcastic woman is a difficult work because people often misunderstand you. There are some daily struggles that you can’t escape from if you are a sarcastic woman. Among those struggles, 8 are given below:

8 Daily Struggles of Being a Sarcastic Woman!
  1. 1. When you meet someone for the first time, people find you mean

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It’s not true and you know that somewhere inside.

  1. 2. Your friends constantly complains about how they warn people about your “meanness”

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But it’s none of your business. You don’t care.

     3. Anyway, you don’t truly like most people.

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You can’t help it.

     4. Your compliments are taken as a joke

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But in reality, you are serious while giving compliments.

     5.Straight expressions to exciting things are often misinterpreted

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Because people know you are sarcastic, they don’t know the inner you and end up misunderstanding you.

    6. People can’t understand your jokes

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They take it in a serious way and can’t even decide whether you are joking.

    7. Relationships are not in your dictionary

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You find someone who can match your level of sarcasm.

    8. The headaches are never ending!

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Just because you have to roll your eyes on everything!


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