Combating Acid Reflux at Night: Tips, Tricks, and the Role of Bed Wedges

Posted 2 years ago in LIFESTYLE.

But for many men and women suffering from acid reflux, this simple pleasure can feel like a distant dream.

Combating Acid Reflux at Night: Tips, Tricks, and the Role of Bed Wedges

But for many men and women suffering from acid reflux, this simple pleasure can feel like a distant dream. I've seen countless patients in my clinic, frustrated and exhausted from nights disrupted by the burning sensation of acid reflux.

But fear not, fellow sleep-seekers! There are solutions out there, and one of the most effective ones I've come across is the use of a GERD bed wedge. Let's dive into some tips, tricks, and the transformative role of bed wedges in combating nighttime acid reflux.

Understanding Acid Reflux at Night

What Causes Nighttime Acid Reflux?

When you lie down, especially after a heavy meal, the stomach acid can easily flow back into the esophagus, causing that all-too-familiar burning sensation. Factors like diet, body position, and even stress can exacerbate this.

Why is Nighttime Reflux Particularly Troublesome?

Unlike daytime reflux, nighttime episodes can last longer and cause more damage to the esophageal lining. Plus, the lack of saliva production at night means there's less natural neutralization of this acid.

Tips and Tricks to Alleviate Nighttime Acid Reflux

1. Avoid Trigger Foods

Why? Certain foods are notorious for sparking acid reflux. They either relax the lower esophageal sphincter or increase stomach acid production.

Common Culprits Include:

  • Spicy foods: They can irritate the esophagus.
  • Citrus: Highly acidic and can exacerbate symptoms.
  • Caffeine: Stimulates acid production.
  • Alcohol: Relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing acid to flow back.

2. Eat Smaller Meals

Why? Large meals expand your stomach and push acid into the esophagus.

Instead of three large meals, try five smaller ones spread throughout the day. This can prevent overeating and reduce the pressure on your stomach.

3. Don't Eat Before Bed

Why? Lying down post-meal makes it easier for acid to creep up.

Aim to finish eating at least 3 hours before bedtime. This gives your stomach ample time to process the food.

Lifestyle Changes

1. Elevate Your Head

Gravity can be your ally in the fight against acid reflux. By elevating your head and upper body, you ensure that stomach acid flows downward.

This is where the magic of mattress wedges shines! They're designed to provide the perfect angle for relief. And trust me, the difference can be night and day.

2. Sleep on Your Left Side

This position naturally prevents acid from flowing back into the esophagus. The stomach is positioned below the esophagus when you lie on your left, making reflux less likely.

If you're a natural right-side or back sleeper, consider using a body pillow to help maintain your position on the left.

3. Manage Stress

Stress doesn't just mess with your mind; it can also stir up stomach acid.

How to Manage:

  • Meditation: Even 10 minutes a day can make a difference.
  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for four, and exhaling for four.
  • Regular Physical Activity: Whether it's a brisk walk or a gym session, moving your body can reduce stress and boost digestion.

Remember, while these tips can significantly help, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional about persistent or severe acid reflux symptoms. Everyone's body is unique, and what works wonders for one person might not for another. But with patience and a bit of trial and error, a peaceful night's sleep is within reach!

The Role of Bed Wedges in Combating Acid Reflux

How Does a Bed Wedge Work?

A bed wedge, like the ones from Reflux Guard, is designed to elevate the upper body, ensuring that stomach acid stays where it belongs – in the stomach. By providing a gentle slope, these wedges ensure a comfortable and effective elevation.

Benefits of Using a Bed Wedge

  • Reduced Acid Reflux Episodes: By keeping the upper body elevated, acid is less likely to flow back into the esophagus.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: No more waking up in the middle of the night with a burning sensation!
  • Versatility: Beyond acid reflux, bed wedges can also help with snoring, sinus congestion, and even back pain.

Choosing the Right Bed Wedge

When selecting a bed wedge, consider factors like size, material, and incline. The mattress wedges from Reflux Guard come highly recommended due to their quality, durability, and effectiveness.


Hey there, I get it. Nighttime acid reflux can seriously mess with your Zzz. But guess what? With a few tweaks here and there and the right tools in your arsenal, you can totally get those peaceful nights back. Sure, changing up your diet and lifestyle helps a ton, but for many folks I've chatted with, the real MVP is a trusty bed wedge. So, here's to catching those dreamy, uninterrupted snoozes!

A Little About RefluxGuard

So, you've heard me rave about bed wedges, right? Well, Reflux Guard is one of the top dogs in this game. They're all about crafting top-notch bed wedges that are comfy, built to last, and super effective against that pesky nighttime acid reflux. Loads of people dealing with GERD have had their sleep game transformed thanks to them. Curious? Swing by their website and see what they're all about!


