How Effective Communication Help Children Learning in Schools?

Posted 2 years ago in BABY & CHILDREN'S PRODUCTS.

Here are some ways suggested by the best emerging CBSE school in Gurgaon - Pragyanam School

How Effective Communication Help Children Learning in Schools?

In the classroom, communication is essential. It is generally agreed that communication skills outweigh knowledge requirements for good teaching by a 50/50 ratio. A teacher must therefore be skilled in all four forms of communication—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—and understand how to use this ability in a classroom setting. It has been demonstrated that doing so influences both the teacher's personal professional performance and the academic success of the students.

Effective communication plays a vital role in children's academic, social, and emotional development. Good communication between teachers, parents, and students fosters a supportive learning environment that allows children to thrive. In this blog, we'll explore the ways in which effective communication helps children learn and grow in schools.

What is Effective Communication?

The best possible exchange of ideas, information, opinions, and anything else that is valuable to the parties involved is referred to as effective communication. The value of communication skills for students cannot be overstated for a variety of reasons.

All of them need communication, whether a youngster needs to place an order at a restaurant, respond to questions during a job interview, deliver a presentation, establish friends, help others, or boost their self-confidence. Written or verbal, communication can take any shape, but it must be clear, succinct, and pertinent to accomplish its goals.

How Effective Communication Help in Learning?

Effective communication plays a critical role in learning. Here are some ways suggested by the best emerging CBSE school in Gurgaon - Pragyanam School, in which effective communication can help in learning:

  1. Improved Academic Performance:

Effective communication between teachers and students is critical to academic success. When teachers communicate clearly and frequently with their students, they can identify areas where students need additional support and provide feedback that helps students understand concepts better. This open dialogue promotes an exchange of ideas that clarifies understanding and encourages critical thinking. As a result, students can improve their academic performance and achieve better outcomes.

  1. Learning Difficulties:

Effective communication can also help students with special needs or learning difficulties. By identifying these issues early on, teachers can provide the necessary support to help students overcome their challenges and succeed academically. Furthermore, communication between teachers and parents helps them collaborate to provide the best possible support for the child's learning.

  1. Promotes Social and Emotional Development:

Effective communication in schools also promotes social and emotional development. When teachers and students communicate openly, they build trust and rapport, which fosters a positive classroom environment. This environment promotes a sense of belonging, empathy, and respect among students, which are essential for healthy social and emotional development.

  1. Reduces Behavioral Issues:

Effective communication can also reduce behavioral issues in schools. When teachers communicate expectations and consequences clearly, students are more likely to understand what is expected of them and behave appropriately. Moreover, communication between teachers and parents can help identify underlying issues that may contribute to behavioral problems, such as stress, anxiety, or bullying.

  1. Encourages Parental Involvement:

Effective communication between teachers and parents is crucial for parental involvement in their child's education. When parents are informed about their child's progress and challenges, they can support their child's learning at home, reinforcing what is taught in the classroom. Furthermore, communication between teachers and parents can help identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and support.

  1. Clarify Understanding & Foster Collaboration:

When teachers and students communicate effectively, they can clarify misunderstandings and ensure that students understand the concepts being taught. This helps students better retain information and apply it to new situations. Effective communication promotes collaboration and teamwork, allowing students to work together on projects and assignments. This helps develop social skills and encourages students to learn from each other.

Tips for Effective Communication with Children to Help them Learning in Schools

Effective communication plays an important role in children’s learning ability. Here are some tips for effective communication suggested by the top school in Gurgaon - Pragyanam School, with children to help them in learnings.

  • Use Your Whole Body to Hear

Give your child your undivided attention whenever you feel like they need to chat. To demonstrate that you are paying attention, face them, crouch if required to be at their level, or even just tilt your head.

  • Choose an emotion.

Pay attention to the emotions you get when someone expresses emotion clearly through their words or their body language. Making a comment or restating what you hear them say might be quite useful. They will feel that you care about them and their sentiments because of you doing this.

  • Recognize Your Child's Emotions

Empathy is a reassuring response we can offer to someone else, particularly a child. When you address a child's emotion, you increase their sensitivity to it, give them permission to feel it, and help them notice it in others. You give those feelings validity when you acknowledge them. Typically, all a youngster needs to start solving the issue at hand is to buy their sentiments.

  • Consider the situation from their perspective.

We frequently assume that our children will comprehend adult-style thought processes and fail to take this into account. You could become upset or dismiss your child's actions. Is, for instance, their agitated behavior a cry for solace, safety, reassurance, or something else you don't comprehend? When you can relate a child's actions to their developmental requirements, it is simpler to be reasonable and patient when implementing the right intervention.

  • Don't shame your kids; instead, emphasize good behavior.

Shaming a youngster lowers their value. For instance, when a 15-year-old kid spills his milk at dinner for the third time in a week, his mother screams at him indignantly, "You idiot, can't you be more careful?" The child eventually starts to feel flawed because of these humiliating experiences.

  • Motivate them to Pose Active Thoughts

Ask your child what he wants or would like to alter whenever you and the youngster disagree on a choice or challenge. They can think positively and realize that there are solutions to all problems thanks to this.


Effective communication is essential for children's academic, social, and emotional development in schools. By promoting open dialogue between teachers, parents, and students, children can thrive in a supportive learning environment that fosters critical thinking, social and emotional skills, and positive behavior. As such, it's crucial for schools to prioritize effective communication and provide opportunities for teachers, parents, and students to communicate regularly and openly. If you are looking for top schools for admission or any other top cities, make sure to look the school’s curriculum, environment, staff and parent testimonial before finalizing the school for your child.


Jarrod Freer

Living in Australia

