how to cancel youtube premium on computer

TECHNOLOGY में 2 वर्षों पूर्व पोस्ट किया गया।

YouTube Premium membership offers an ad-free experience. But there may come a time when you want to cancel it. That is how.

how to cancel youtube premium on computer

YouTube Premium offers an ad-free experience on the platform. Membership also includes full access to original shows. But there may come a time when you no longer want the benefits of a Premium account. Here's how to cancel your YouTube Premium subscription.

Cancel YouTube Premium
First, go to and sign in to your account if you haven't already. Then click on your account avatar and choose "Paid Memberships" from the menu.
The next page will display the memberships you are subscribed to. Under the "Premium" box, click the down arrow next to "Manage Membership" to bring up the dropdown menu.

That shows your premium membership information. Include the next billing date and your payment method. To cancel, click the "Deactivate" link next to your next billing date.

Next, a pop-up screen will appear with an option to pause your membership for up to 6 months. You can resume at any time. If that's something you want to do, click the "Pause instead" link. Or, to cancel completely, click the "Continue to cancel" link.

Now YouTube wants to know the reason for the cancellation. You can choose a reason and click Next or just click the "It doesn't matter" link.

Finally, you'll get a notice asking if you're sure you want to cancel. If you don't click the "It doesn't matter" link. But since we're sure, go ahead and click the "Yes, cancel" link.

That's all about it. As a final message, you will see that your YouTube Premium benefits are available until the end of the current billing cycle. So if you want to cancel, you probably want to do it at the top of a billing cycle. That way you can still get the benefits for a month before it expires.

If you want to start your subscription again, you can. Simply click on the same "Manage Membership" dropdown menu. There you'll see the date your benefits end and the cost of an individual YouTube Premium membership. To start it again, click the "Refresh" button.

If you decide to keep or renew your subscription, you can also download YouTube Premium videos on iOS and Android.

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