15 Signs That Prove You Daydream A Lot

Posted 6 years ago in Other.

Well, we dream every night. Some remember it while some do not. What do you think of a day dreamer by the way? If you find yourself in another world and forget about what is actually going on with you, you are a day dreamer. Read the following points and see if you are a day dreamer too.

15 Signs That Prove You Daydream A Lot

  1.You are lost during watching films

You find yourself lost in another world during watching movies. Instead of enjoying the film, you start day dreaming.

  1. Concentration on lectures are gone in between

You actually don’t know where you are. Your classmate wakes you up from your daydreaming world.

  1. You have suddenly zoned out yourself during examinations

That can be the greatest sign. If you zone out yourself during examinations, you are for sure a day dreamer.

  1. You stare at people even though you don’t

Because of daydreaming, you are lost and end up staring constantly at people but not deliberately.

  1. People find it hard to have lengthy conversations with you

Because you zone out too often, people find it difficult and sometimes annoying to exchange some words with you.

  1. Lots and lots of things in brain


Your mind is full of many things and thoughts. Sometimes you feel like writing them somewhere.

  1. You miss out on people wishing you on the roads

Because you are lost, you don’t answer to greets people offer you in streets. You are eventually named as rude.

  1. Your mind walks off while you’re cooking

You forget whether you have put salt in the food or not. You get confused.

  1. You like to pass time by staring at a wall

You find yourself comfortable and at peace doing nothing and staring at a wall.

  1. You miss your turn on the road

You end up missing to cross the road because you were busy in day dreaming.

  1. You start forgetting things

Sometimes it happens that your daydreaming leads to forgetting something or anything. You go the fridge to pick something and forget what eateries you want.

  1. You fail to remember what you were actually doing

Daydreaming leads you to a world of your own and you start forgetting things you were doing.

  1. You zone out while talking over the phone,

You eventually say sorry and ask to pardon what they have said few seconds ago.

  1. You pretend to listen when some unknown relatives twaddle

While actually you are not listening but you act as if you are hearing. They give you blessings in return.

  1. You forget to press the elevator button for your floor

You are at not on the floor your house is on and knock at some other’s door. Door opens and you realize you were in dreamland.


