What Are The Different Phases of Chiropractic Care?

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Chiropractic care at San Jose chiropractic Center is like a journey with five different stages. For most people, it starts with "temporary" pain relief, and the spine is repaired when the pain goes away.

What Are The Different Phases of Chiropractic Care?

If you asked someone who had "never tried" chiropractic what they thought of it, they would probably say it was for "those who are in pain." Even if it's true at some point, it's not always the case.


Relieving pain is not the only thing we can do!


Chiropractic care at San Jose chiropractic Center is like a journey with five different stages. For most people, it starts with "temporary" pain relief, and the spine is repaired when the pain goes away.


Once the patient undergoes a correction, this is usually a big step forward, but the end goal is to reach phase 5 or receive health care. This phase means achieving optimal health in all areas of life that go beyond physical health.


See below and learn more about the five stages of San Jose chiropractic center care. In your opinion, which phase are you in right now, and which step do you think is right for you?


Get Temporary Pain Relief


Chiropractors know it - neck, shoulder, and back pain is why you came to us!


Chiropractor near me or you are no longer surprised because this is the most common scenario they usually get from their patients for the first time. At this stage, they will do their best to identify the root cause of the symptoms, pain, tenderness, inflammation, etc.


Depending on the type and severity of the injury, this may be short-term or take a long time. It can be caused by many things - damaged nerves, a previous injury, or perhaps a problem with prolonged posture. Once they determine the exact cause, San Jose, ca, chiropractor creates an adjustment plan that best fits your needs.




The spine has not been fully corrected. Some people end their appointment after temporary relief, but Chiropractors don't recommend this because pain and other symptoms can develop quickly when the body has not healed.


For the body to fully recover, one must realize that it must correct the discrepancy in the spine and any imbalance that caused your injury in the first place.


San Jose chiropractic center often takes time, especially when retraining your back muscles, ligaments, and general posture.


First Intensive Care


Most patients have musculoskeletal conditions that cause significant discomfort and interfere with their everyday lifestyle. Therefore, 90% of these patients are in the initial intensive care phase.


Chiropractors first try to reverse the pattern of spinal misalignment to provide rapid pain relief. The problem may have existed for a long time. These patients are usually visited about three times a week until the pain level has decreased to a reasonable level.


When San Jose ca chiropractor decide they are ready to proceed, they move on to the next phase of chiropractic care - corrective care.


Corrective Care


After an initial critical care period, the core problem you initially sought help with begins to fade. Now your body begins to feel better, and the inflammation and tight muscles begin to subside. The frequency of your San Jose chiropractic center visits will decrease as your body behaves better after the adjustment.


That remains an important point because if you don't get the treatment, it can quickly come back, and you have to go back to intensive care if the main problem returns. 


Wellness Care


This is the third and final level of San Jose chiropractic center care. This phase involves maintaining spinal function as well as improving health. It's also about preventing future or fixed conditions from reoccurring.


This is also the stage where your overall health is checked to improve. This includes nutrition, fitness, sleep, weight loss, hydration, supplements, and mindfulness. This, of course, depends on the patient's goals. 


If you are confused about Chiropractors, you can search for the best "chiropractor near me" on the internet. There are so many well-known Chiropractors there.

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