Breast Augmentation Capsular Contraction –Everything you Need to Know

Posted 2 years ago in BEAUTY.

A breast augmentation capsular contracture is a type of scarring that can develop after breast surgery.

Breast Augmentation Capsular Contraction –Everything you Need to Know

Many women who haven’t yet undergone breast augmentation have often wondered, "What is a capsular contraction, and what should I expect?" Well, then, not to worry, because in this article you will be answered every of your query.

breast augmentation capsular contracture is a type of scarring that can develop after breast surgery. It happens when the skin around the implant becomes too tight, making it look unnatural and causing pain.

What is breast augmentation capsular contracture?

Breast augmentation capsular contracture is when the skin around an implant becomes tightly bound and swollen. This can happen in the upper or lower quadrant (the area around each breast), and several factors can cause it.

Factor # 1: Age

As we age, our skin becomes more fragile and prone to contracting. 

Factor # 2: Weight gain

Obesity can lead to increased fluid retention, contributing to capsular contracture. 

Factor # 3: Previous surgery

If you've had other surgery on your chest area in the past, your skin may be more sensitive to inflammation and touch. 

Why do you get a capsular contracture?

Breast implants are a fantastic way to improve your appearance and feel great. However, like any implant, there is the potential for capsular contracture. But what this capsular contracture is? It is a condition in which the capsule around the implant becomes inflamed and tightened. This can cause pain and decreased function.

 Symptoms of breast augmentation capsular contracture may include:

-Reduced motion of the implant

-Numbness or tingling around the implant

-Swelling in the arm or chest where the implant is located

-Frequent pain or discomfort at night

How do you know if you are going to develop a capsular contracture?

Considering breast augmentation surgery, it is essential to know about possible side effects and complications. Breast augmentation capsular contracture is one of the most common complications after breast augmentation surgery. Capsular contracture is narrowing the space within the capsule that surrounds your breasts. This can occur in up to 50% of women who have breast augmentation surgery. And thus, it is important for you to know certain tips so that you can prevent it, thus keep looking.

Tips To Prevent Capsular Contracture

Breast augmentation capsular contractions are a popular procedure that can result in some complications. One of these complications is capsular contracture, which narrows the space around the implant. While this complication may cause discomfort and pain, there are ways to prevent it from happening. Here are some tips to keep your implants healthy and free from capsular contracture: 

  1. Make sure you are fully healed before having surgery. 
  2. Wear a supportive bra after surgery. This will help to keep the area surrounding your implants stable and avoid any additional compression of the tissue. 
  3. Avoid using heating pads on your chest after surgery. Heating pads can cause the implant to expand, which can lead to capsular contracture. 
  4. Avoid wearing tight clothing or bands around your chest after surgery. These types of restrictive garments can also lead to capsular contracture. 
  5. Use cold packs on the area around your implants twice a day for 10 minutes each for two days following surgery to help reduce inflammation and pain.


If you're considering getting breast implants, it's essential to understand the breast augmentation complications associated with capsular contracture. If you are looking for after-surgery services, Aspen after surgery is the right place for you.

This article has discussed what it is, what to expect after surgery, and some of the benefits of having a breast implant with capsular contracture. Armed with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about whether or not breast implants are right for you.

Shane Mathew

Living in United States

