DevOps as a service

DevOps (Development Operation) is a system of methods to improve the efficiency of software development and operation processes. This result is achieved with the help of automation tools in the process of combining and active interaction of employees of specialized departments of the company under the control of DevOps-engineer

At the planning stage, DevOps engineer helps to decide which architecture the application will use, how it will scale, choose an orchestration system.
Next, he configures the servers, automates code validation and pouring, environment validation. Then it automates testing, solves deployment tasks.
DevOps is a methodology in which developers take functional responsibility for their applications. This includes not only code development as before, but also operational tasks: releasing new versions, managing the lifecycle of their code (updates, database migrations, etc.), tracking its behavior over time through monitoring and logging.

This approach has greatly increased productivity and efficiency. If developers take full responsibility for the life cycle of an application, it means that they are blocking feedback on code performance in reality. And performance problems are identified by those who were responsible for running the code. Information about the application goes directly to developers and designers, which optimizes the user experience with the application.

DevOps is a set of practices aimed at automating and integrating processes between software developers and IT teams so that they can create, test and release software faster and better.Development. A centralized repository for all code versions is organized.

DevOps brings people, processes, and technology together to create high-performance teams that create perfect products. By optimizing teamwork and increasing productivity, the following goals can be achieved:

- speed to market;
- adapting to market conditions;
- support of stable system operability;
- reducing the period required for recovery.

The essence of the DevOps philosophy is that each employee not only does his or her part of the job, but is also responsible for the ultimate performance of the product. The problem becomes a common one, DevOps engineer functions are distributed among different team members with different specializations.

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