How Kratom Affects Anxiety Symptoms?

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Kratom is not currently an illegal substance in the United States but has gained attention as a potentially addictive substance.

How Kratom Affects Anxiety Symptoms?

Kratom is not currently an illegal substance in the United States but has gained attention as a potentially addictive substance. People use kratom, a derivative of a Southeast Asian tree, for many reasons. People believe that kratom is beneficial for treating mental health conditions like depression or anxiety and physical conditions like coughs, diabetes, diarrhea and opiate withdrawal. However, there isn’t enough sufficient evidence to support these claims.

Regardless of the proven harmful side effects, people continue to take kratom. Some of the most common uses of white Bali kratom capsules wholesale focus on mental health conditions. Analyzing kratom and anxiety relief can be difficult due to a lack of research in this area.

However, there is research regarding the negative effects of kratom use. Kratom can cause several physical side effects like numbness of the tongue or mouth, nausea, vomiting and constipation. Kratom may also cause psychological side effects like aggression, hallucinations and delusions. In large quantities, kratom can cause death from difficulty breathing, brain swelling and liver failure.

Does Kratom Help with Anxiety?

With the coverage of White Maeng Da kratom capsules by the media and claims made by people who advocate for its use, several questions are commonly asked including “does kratom help with anxiety?” While using kratom for anxiety has become more common, there is no clear evidence to suggest that there are any benefits to its use. It is more likely that people who support using kratom as an anti-anxiety treatment, experience benefits because of a placebo effect.

Can Kratom Cause Anxiety?

While the benefits of kratom are not entirely clear, the risks of kratom have been better documented.  Kratom has several negative side effects. Side effects of kratom include:

  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Sun sensitivity
  • Sensations of itchiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased need to urinate

Someone who uses kratom regularly may experience an even wider range of side effects. This can include feelings of sedation, lack of coordination and increased anxiety. Kratom anxiety attacks may occur during withdrawal and are more likely if someone has a history of anxiety.

One study on kratom use indicated that more than half of people who use kratom will develop dependence. Withdrawal from kratom is similar in many ways to opiate withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms include flu-like symptoms of body aches, fever, runny nose, and diarrhea as well as unprovoked anger, depression, and anxiety. After stopping the use of kratom anxiety may continue to occur especially in relation to cravings to use kratom.

David Smith

में रहने वाले United States

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