15 extinct species from around the world

ANIMALS में 6 वर्षों पूर्व पोस्ट किया गया।

Our earth was made before many years that it has gone through various change. These changes has made many species to die. some of them died due to the natural changes because they were not able to adapt. This article is going to tell you about some extinct species.

15 extinct species from around the world

Giant Panda

These Panda's are found in China. They all are dying because of starvation. They do live on Bamboo trees and even eat their leaves.

giant panda in tree


Tigers are also included in endangered species now. They are found in India and they are coming in lists of endangered species because of poaching. But now through various save tigers programme we are saving them.

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Asian Elephants

The IUCN’s best guess on the current population of Asian elephants, which inhabit 13 countries, is around 40,000–50,000. That number may be far lower; some regions inhabited by the lumbering pachyderms are inaccessible due to the terrain or to political volatility. Over 50% of the population is concentrated in India. They are poached for their skin, ivory and meat.

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Sea Otter

They live in chilled water but they are being killed because of industrial acts. They are poached. only 300,000 Otters left. Some acts have been started in order to save them.

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Snow Leopard

The snow leopard is closely related to the tiger, at least per genetic analysis. Probably fewer than 6,500 remain in the wild, though due to the remote mountainous terrain preferred by the species, and its elusive nature, data is hard to come by. The largest populations are in China and Mongolia, with significant populations in India and Kyrgyzstan as well. They sometimes eat animals and sometimes plants.


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There are many kinds of Gorilla, easter gorillas and western Gorillas. There are only 200,000 Gorillas left in total. They are poached for bushmeat and trophies.

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Orangutans are Malaysian animal. They are called "men of the forests". Their abilities are very human indeed. Due to a decrease in numbers of forests their population has reached less than 60,000.

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Fin Whale

It is the second largest mammalian species after the blue whale. They were heavily hunted in the 20th century due to which they are endangered now.

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Green Turtle

They are found in Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. They are endangered due to human activities. People use them and their eggs for food.

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Sea Lions

Sea Lions are sea mammals characterized by external ear flaps, long foreflippers, the ability to walk on all fours, short, thick hair, and a big chest and belly. Due to various human activities, they are being endangered.

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Spider Monkey

they are found in tropical forests of Central and South America, from southern Mexico to Brazil. Due to their large size they are hunted and even they catch malaria easily and die.

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The Dugong is a medium-sized marine mammal. They are hunted for meat and oil.

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Beluga Whale

The Beluga whale is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean. They are commercially hunted.

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They are long-tailed, colourful parrots. Deforestation and their illegal hunting made them endangered.

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They are found in tropical rainforests. They are found in Australia.

 Image result for tree kangaroo

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Utpalini Deo

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