Do I need a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot now?

ENTERTAINMENT में 2 वर्षों पूर्व पोस्ट किया गया।

Do I need a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot now?

Do I need a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot now?

A booster shot is a second dose of vaccine. This is given to someone who has had a decline in their immune response since the last dose. You've probably had a booster shot for tetanus as part of your regular immunizations.

You remind your body how it can fight disease by getting a booster shot. Your immune system is ready to defend you against that disease if it happens.

Booster shots to COVID-19

After being vaccinated, it is possible to be positive for COVID-19. Vaccinations offer the best protection against severe illnesses.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has approved booster doses of all three COVID-19 vaccinations currently available in the U.S. These booster shots do not replace existing vaccines. These booster shots are an addition dose of existing COVID-19 vaccinations. A booster dose may be lower than the original dose depending on the individual's age.



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There are many factors that influence the recommendation for booster shots:

  • What vaccines has the person already received?
  • The age of the person
  • If the person is immunocompromised it means they are:
    • Have received active treatment for cancers or tumors of the blood
    • Have had an organ transplant. Are taking medication to suppress the immune system
    • In the past two years, you have received a CAR-T-cell transplant or hematopoietic stem-cell transplant.
    • Moderate to severe primary immunodeficiency (some examples are DiGeorge syndrome or Wiskott Aldrich syndrome).
    • HIV infection that is untreated or advanced
    • High-dose corticosteroids and other drugs that suppress your immune system may be used to treat active treatment.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has a new tool that can help you decide when and if your child can receive one or more COVID-19 boosters. The tool can be found on their website.


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