Swimming Pool Lighting: A Detailed Guide For You

Posted 2 years ago in HOME & GARDEN.

However, this option is likely to cost more, especially in the aspect of installation, because the bulbs tend to be long.

Swimming Pool Lighting: A Detailed Guide For You

Are you looking for strategies to help you make your pool as safe as possible? One of the things you should consider is using some pool lighting, as this is perfect for late-night swims. If you’re already looking for options, you’ll realize that there are only a few options available on the market. This includes LED pool and fibre optic pool lighting. In this web, we’ll provide you with a design guide to help you, so continue reading.

The first thing you should know is that there are different types of pool lighting, and it depends on whether it’s for indoor or outdoor swimming purposes.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the options available:

LED Pool Lights

LED lights are the most popular option today, and this is because they are energy-efficient and also offer a longer life span. The option creates the vibrancy required in pools and also offers the level of illumination that people seek in pools. However, this option is likely to cost more, especially in the aspect of installation, because the bulbs tend to be long. The interesting thing is that they are long-lasting and will save you more money eventually.

Halogen Pool Lights

Anyone looking for a very bright option might want to consider getting halogen pool lights. This option is a lot brighter than LED light options. The cost is initially less, and it’s a nice option for people on a budget. They are not a popular option for indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and this is due to the level of brightness that they offer. However, one thing to note about halogen bulbs is that they get hot and are not long-lasting like the LED light option.

Fibre Optic Pool Lights

This is a perfect option for people scared to change the bulbs in their pool lights because the power responsible for keeping the pool lights is not actually in the water. This design is a safer option for pool owners. However, the key thing to remember is that it can cost much but doesn’t last as long as LED pool lights.

Solar Pool Lights

Here’s another option that’s growing in popularity because it’s equally an energy-efficient option. The impressive thing about this option is that it floats and offers a splash of color within your poo. It’s generally a nice add-on to include, but you should bear in mind that they are not designed to illuminate the entire pool.

Another thing to note about this option is that they are powered by the sun. However, they are expensive and may not fit every budget. It’s also not a permanent option for pool lighttight, and you might need other options above for a permanent option.


