Are career choices disturbing you?

Posted 4 years ago in JOB CONSULTANCY.

If you're disturbed about which career to choose, this article might help you calm.

Are career choices disturbing you?

One of the most crucial life decisions is choosing the correct career for yourself. A wrong, unfit career will prove to be catastrophic life-long. You'll be trapped for nothing, which is why we're advised to ponder about our careers from the very initial stage of life.


So how do we select a career? The best treatment is to believe that "you are your best counsellor". Afterall, nobody knows you better than you do. Nobody knows your capability like you do. Nobody knows what you're best at, except you. So, introspection is the only key.


The world has so much to offer, with new opportunities cropping up everyday. All you need to know is what you want to do and then, be serious about it.


The first stage to decide is obviously, after 10th boards examinations when you decide which stream you're opting for. Decide carefully, choose wisely. Arts, Commerce or Science, each of them has a world of scope and opportunities. So, choose the subjects which you love and enjoy learning. 


The subject that you decide will have umteen number of career options. Make a list of those options. Explore yourself. Introspect if you're fit for those career options on the list. If you are, work hard to achieve it. If you're not, scrap it for something suitable and better.


SWOT analysis will definitely be a great tool to introspect. SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. So, let's say, if I have the Strength of being good in Maths, and Weakness of scoring bad in Biology, then my Opportunities will be good career scope in future and Threats will be heavy competitions. So, I'll opt for being an Engineer or a Mathematician. It is that easy!


Stage two includes discovering what your passion and hobby is and if it is possible for you to work on it to gain expertise. It is obvious that there'll be nothing in the world that you would love to do more than your passion. So, it will be best to put your hard work and efforts in your passion. There'll be more probability of success, for sure.


But again, if you're not good in your passion or hobby, don't opt for it. For example, if you like to play cricket but have a really weak stamina, then there's less scope for you in the field of sports. So, try to avoid such situations as it'll only hamper your motivation.


Be positive and know that giving up isn't an option. Go for being a businessman, a builder, a singer, actor, manager, journalist, engineer, a lawyer, a doctor, scientist, chartered accountant, a cook, social worker, politician, a banker, a filmmaker or whatever you like! There's no end to the list and know, that there's one for you too. 


If you're still confused, seek your parent's guidance. They're your guardian and are more experienced than you. They want good things to happen to you, hence, will suggest stable and engaging career options. If not, seek a career counselor for help.


Also remember, that if you've chosen your career, it doesn't make it your dream career. There are tons of people who've changed their streams and succeeded. So look for options if you're not satisfied. After all, even Giorgio Armani was a doctor before he became a fashion designer. Give yourself time and experience to decide.


There are a number of short term courses, apprentice programmes, and diploma courses. Learn new things to explore what you can be best at. Internships might help you out as well. For example, if you've opted for Mass communication, try short term courses for anchoring, content writing or even camera handling. These might help you in figuring out your interest area. 


Most importantly, trust yourself. Choosing a career is not a hard nut to crack. Just know that you'll do great in your career. All the best!

