How to Choose and Install Hardwood Floors

Posted 2 years ago in HOME & GARDEN.

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How to Choose and Install Hardwood Floors

Purchasing hardwood flooring can be a daunting task, but here's how to choose and install it correctly. Unlike carpeting, hardwood flooring is incredibly durable and long-lasting. Learn how to select a product and install it properly for maximum benefits. You can either choose prefinished or unfinished wood for your floors. And be sure to plan for expansion and contraction when you buy solid hardwood floors.
Make sure to leave approximately 1/4 inch of space around each wall and baseboard to allow for expansion and contraction.


When you're replacing the flooring in your home, you may wonder whether you should choose prefinished or unfinished hardwood floors. Prefinished floors are ready to walk on once they're installed, meaning there's no site prep to worry about. Prefinished flooring also requires fewer subcontractors to install. And prefinished hardwood floors typically feature a beautiful, durable finish. Regardless of the finish you choose, you can choose a style that best matches the rest of your decor.

Both unfinished and prefinished wood flooring will eventually get scratches and scuffs. Refinishing prefinished floors is possible, but you'll lose the characteristic surface texture. To remove scratches, you'll have to sand through the aluminum oxide urethane coating. This process can be time-consuming and can result in uneven floor planks. Also, if your floor has been scratched or has other damage, you'll have to refinish it. Prefinished floors are easier to sand.

Compared to unfinished hardwood, prefinished floors are faster and easier to install. Unlike unfinished wood, prefinished flooring isn't subject to the same cleaning process as unfinished wood. In most cases, prefinished floors are easier to clean than unfinished hardwood, which makes them a good choice for households with children and pets. Moreover, they last longer because they don't need to be sanded after installation.

Although unfinished hardwood floors are easy to install, they are harder to repair. Because they have a factory-applied finish, they are more resistant to scratches and stains than prefinished hardwood floors. Because prefinished floors aren't finished on-site, you can touch up any scratches or stains. You can refinish your floor with an easy-to-clean polyurethane if you need to.

When it comes to price, unfinished hardwood floors are usually more expensive. Prefinished wood floors can cost as much as $5 per square foot. However, they are cheaper than traditional hardwood floors. You can install prefinished hardwood
floors yourself if you know how to do it. DIY flooring will save you up to $2 per square foot. It will also require less maintenance. But you should consider the benefits of DIY flooring before deciding to do it yourself.


Solid hardwood floors can be either unfinished or finished. Unfinished hardwoods come in a variety of wood species, from pine to red oak. Each type adds a unique
tone to a living space, and all offer the same timeless appeal. If you're looking for a more traditional look, consider a pine hardwood floor. Unfinished hardwood floors can be refinished, too. If you're not sure how to refinish the existing wood in your home, contact a professional floor-refinishing company.

Unfinished hardwood floors look more authentic and natural than prefinished wood. Because unfinished wood is more durable, they are often the preferred choice of contractors. This type of flooring is also easier to clean than prefinished wood floors. Prefinished hardwood planks feature beveled edges and V-shaped gaps between each board. Unfinished hardwood floors feature perfectly tight seams and square edges. Depending on your preference, you can even stain or lacquer the flooring to create a unique look.

Unfinished hardwood floors require sealing before installation. They may not have been inspected before being sold, but the damage will become visible once installed. If you notice uneven staining, sand the end grain to fix it. Yellow glue mixed with water makes a thick solution to repair the staining. This solution will seal the wood while it dries. While you're at it, remember to apply a face mask to protect your eyes and other parts of your face.

Unfinished Hardwood floors are a great choice for homeowners and contractors who have large projects. Compared to prefinished floors, unfinished flooring is also cheaper. However, finishing the flooring on-site gives you more control over the look and feel of the floor. If you're planning a large renovation, you might want to save the finishing process until after the project is complete. The benefits of unfinished hardwood flooring are numerous. And, they don't have to be expensive.


